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Katalys Marketing User Guide for Advertisers

Welcome to the Katalys User Guide for Advertisers! If you’re an advertiser and are interested in learning how to leverage the Katalys tools available to you, you’ve come to the right place!

Onboarding Guide

How to set up your account on the Katalys Marketing Platform.


Turn-key analytics for your account on the Katalys Marketing Platform.

Partner Marketplace

How to find and invite Partners to your Programs on the Katalys Marketing Platform.

Partner Marketplace


How to manage your Partners the Katalys Marketing Platform.


How to manage programs and payouts on the Katalys Marketing Platform.


How to use the reporting features available to you within the Katalys Marketing Platform.

Using Statistics Reports

NOTE: Templated Statistics Platform Default Reports include reports organized by: Landing Page, Publisher, Product

Statistics Report Data Glossary

Using Conversion Reports


How to manage user accounts and permissions within your Organization.

Billing Inquiries

How to inquire details on particular transaction(s) on the Katalys Marketing Platform.

Katalys Integrations

How to manage integrations with other platforms and services for the Katalys Marketing Platform.

Submitting Feedback and Reporting Errors

Submitting feedback and reporting errors is a straightforward process that empowers you to play a role in the continuous improvement of Katalys Marketing. Learn how to easily submit feedback here.

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