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Managing Partner Traffic for Your Katalys Programs

Traffic Sources Explained

Traffic Sources are the channels that partners use to send visitors to your programs on the Katalys Marketing Network. Each traffic source includes details about the partner and the type of traffic they generate, helping you assess the suitability of the partnership.

Monetizing relationships on the Katalys platform is enabled by permitting Partners to join their Traffic Source(s) to your Program(s).

Making Your Programs Available to Traffic Sources

Once the program is created and activated, partners are able to connect their traffic sources to the program.

There are two ways to allow partners to connect their traffic sources to your programs:

  • Automatic Approval: All Partner Traffic Sources are automatically approved to promote your Program. No more manual actions are required.

  • Require Approval: You can manually review and approve each Traffic Source that applies to your Program. When this setting is enabled, you'll receive a notification for each application, including a link to the "Pending Publishers" section where you can approve or reject the request.

Automatic Approval

To set your Program to automatically approve all applications from Partners' Traffic Sources, just select “Automatic” in your Program’s Edit Screen’s Approval setting (Programs > General Program Edit Screen).

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Require Approval

If you prefer to approve applications manually, set Approval setting to “Require Approval.”


When this is selected, you will receive a notification for each Traffic Source that applies to your Program, which includes a link to your Pending Publishers section, where you will be able to reply to the application.

Note: if the joining Partner has multiple Traffic Sources, approval will be required for each of them and they will be reflected as separate approval requests.

Managing your Traffic Sources

Each Program has Partners tab in the left menu, that will allow you to see the current state of Traffic Source – Program relationship for the selected Program:


The behavior of the tab is the same as the Partners page, except one difference. Program field and link to the Program will be omitted in this case, since this tab already shows only the Traffic Source relationships for the selected Program, while Partners page includes Traffic Source relationships for all Programs.

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