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Conversions Report - Data Glossary

We use quite a few industry-specific terms within the Katalys platform. This page will identify some of those terms and describe how we use them.

Katalys Data Field

HasOffers/Tune Data Field


Partner Data


Profile name of the attributed Partner

Partner ID

Profile ID of the attributed Partner

Partner Source

Publisher Source

Partner-provided field "source"

Partner Sub 1

Publisher Sub 1

Partner-provided field "sub1"

Partner Sub 2

Publisher Sub 2

Partner-provided field "sub2"

Partner Sub 3

Publisher Sub 3

Partner-provided field "sub3"

Partner Sub 4

Publisher Sub 4

Partner-provided field "sub4"

Partner Sub 5

Publisher Sub 5

Partner-provided field "sub5"

Referral Domain

Referral URL (base)

Referral domain of attributed session, if provided by the user's browser

Referring Domain

The referring domain of the last session associated with the conversion

Referring URL

The referring URL of the last session associated with the conversion

Traffic Source

Publisher / Affiliate

Name and ID of Traffic Source (previously Affiliate ID)

Traffic Source ID

Publisher ID / Affiliate ID

ID of Traffic Source assigned by the Katalys network

Advertiser Data

Advertiser Manager

Name of Katalys manger for an organization associated with a advertiser


Coupons associated with the order

Order ID

Advertiser Sub ID 1

Order ID as reported by Advertiser (not order alias)

Order ID/Aliases


Order aliases as reported by Advertiser

Order Time

Date / Time

Time the order was placed



Product Name as reported by Advertiser

Product Category


Product Category as reported by Advertiser

Product SKU


Product SKU as reported by Advertiser



Name and ID of offer

Program ID

Offer ID

ID of offer assigned by the Katalys network

Program Landing Page

Landing Page

The landing page of the last-click attribution associated with the conversion


The name of the Tracking ID where the data was collected. Learn more about Tracking IDs.

Realm ID

The Tracking ID where the data was collected. Learn more about Tracking IDs.

Transaction ID

Transaction ID

A non-unique ID that is used for short-term attribution to a user event, like a click, used to look up session info when a conversion happens, but not for events like coupon or direct link tracking. Can assist Publishers with downstream performance tracking.




Total cost to drive conversions within the Katalys network

Conv Status


Attribution status for Katalys network. Learn more about our Conversion Status values.

Coupon Value


Customer: Days Since First Order

Number of days since the customer's first purchase

Customer: Days Since Prev Order


Count of days since the last-recorded order from a customer, per data reported to the Katalys system.

Customer: First Seen


Day of customer's first interaction

Customer: Number of Converts


Number of orders where the status is approve

Customer: Number of Orders


Number of total orders or all statuses

Customer: Sum of Sales

Sum of all topline sales for orders reported to Katalys--not including orders placed before the Katalys plugin was installed.

Days From Click

Similar to “Time-to-Action”

Number of days from click to conversion. Only populated when a click is associated with the conversion or appears in the attribution path


Sales Amount

Calculated subtotal used to generate CPS payouts



Sales excluding tax, shipping, and other misc. line items

Time to Action

Time to Action

Time elapsed between First Touch and Order Time

Topline Sales

Sale Amount

The derived value of the order, as calculated as Topline Sales amount, minus tax and shipping.


Attribution/User Action Type


Type of attribution recorded based on user interaction with a link or within the CRM.

Learn more in the Glossary Appendix page!

Device Type

Device Model

Type of device

Hashed Email


Hash of the customer email, or other user identifier, as provided by the advertiser’s system

Payout Rules


Name of rules associated with the order

Recorded Time


Time that the conversion was recorded/Sales was realized


Advertiser Sub ID 3

This is a unique ID created per conversion within the Katalys system guaranteed to be unique inside of Katalys.

Time of Click

Session Date / Time

Time of first click recorded

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