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Shopify CustomApp Integration

Katalys requires advertisers to have our tracking technology running on your store’s pages (for user verification) and on “Thank You” pages (for capturing conversions). Katalys has developed an integration with Shopify’s CRM/CMS system that solves both of these with an easy to install private app.



To perform the installation, you will open two windows and copy information between them. Open the following 2 links in new windows by right-clicking on them each and selecting “Open in new window”:

  1. Your Shopify store’s “App Development” page →

  2. The Katalys<>Shopify CustomApp Installation page →

Now follow the instructions in the video, or in the step-by-step list below.

Part 1: Create a Shopify custom app

In this part, you will create a Shopify custom app that is private to your account. This app will control the API keys used to access your store’s data.

  1. Inside your Shopify store, create a development application by opening your Shopify store’s “App Development” page and clicking “Create an app”. We recommend naming the app “Katalys Advertiser Integration”, but you can choose any name that works for you.
    Go there now →

    Screenshot 2024-09-12 at 1.27.00 PM.png
  2. Give your app permission to access your data by clicking “Configure Admin API scopes” and selecting the following four (4) scopes: read_orders, read_products, read_script_tags, and write_script_tags. Then click “Save” to commit your changes.

    When complete, you should be able to confirm on the “Configuration” tab that 4 access scopes have been configured for your app.

    Screenshot 2024-09-12 at 1.53.36 PM.png
  3. Click on the tab “API Credentials”, and then “Install app”, and confirm your selection. You will be presented with your API access token, API key, and API secret key. These are the credentials you need in the next step.

    Screenshot 2024-09-12 at 1.54.39 PM.png

Part 2: Copy/Paste credentials from Shopify into Katalys

In Part 2, you will copy the API credentials from the custom app you created in Part 1 into the Katalys system.

  1. While keeping the Shopify store tab open, open the Katalys<>Shopify CustomApp page in a new tab or window.
    Go there now →

    Screenshot 2024-09-12 at 6.14.42 PM.png
  2. Enter your Shopify store’s name.
    Your store’s name will be a URL-safe string. It can be found in the URL of the page, or if you have no associated a custom domain with your store, you can find it under the name of your store as a domain name. You can also enter the name as a domain name, like Any of these formats will work.

    Screenshot 2024-09-12 at 1.36.51 PM.png

    Instructions on how to find your Shopify store’s name.

  3. Copy the API access token, API key, and API secret key from the Shopify window and into the Katalys form window.

  4. Submit the form to proceed.

  5. If you have access to multiple Advertiser profiles, you will be presented with a list of profiles to associate with your Shopify store. Choose which profile you are connecting to Shopify.

After completion, you should be presented with a message “Installation Successful”. If you instead presented with an error, please double-check that your custom app’s access scopes are correct, and that you copy/pasted the credentials correctly.

Part 3: Confirm ThankYou page has the pixel

If you use Checkout Extensibility (available via Shopify Plus), your ThankYou page will use a new Shopify framework and not be compatible with the CustomApp approach. You must create the pixel manually, using the steps below.

  1. Perform a test transaction, open the Chrome debugger, look for a request to If you do not see one, you need to manually add the pixel to your Thank-You page

  2. Create custom pixel with following code (OLEKSII: can you please add screenshots)

    1. Where do I go?
      what do I click on?

  3. Paste the code into the box:

    1. LINK TO KMP: go to integrations page

    2. SCREENSHOT – copy the code

var el=document.createElement("script");

analytics.subscribe('checkout_completed', (event) => {
  const checkout =;
  _revoffers_track = window._revoffers_track || [];
    action: "convert",

Compatibility with other Shopify Apps

In general, the Katalys app is a read-only application. There are no known compatibility issues or concerns where the Katalys app might cause another application to fail. There are, however, applications that prevent the Katalys app from working correctly by preventing JavaScript from being added to the page, or by changing or replacing the post-sale “Thank You” pages.

If you are using other Shopify applications that modify or replace post-sale pages, you might need to take extra steps within those apps so that Katalys tracking works correctly. Please review the Shop App Compatibility page for more details.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What does read_order & read_product allow Katalys to do?

Reading order and product data allows us to provide accurate attribution to orders placed within your system while also ensuring we can report to you what products were purchased from the conversions generated in our system.

What does read_script and write_script allow Katalys to do?

This allows us to deploy our script to appropriately track sessions and visitors to your site that have come from our traffic sources. It also helps us triage any issues related to web visitors that are coming to the site through our sources. These script tags are asynchronous meaning we do not hold up the load of your site or delay it at all.

Where is my access token, and API Keys stored?

The information you provide us for this integration is stored in our private technical infrastructure and is not accessible by any other tooling and closed to everyone other than our Katalys tech team.

If I can't find my brand profile what should I do?

First hard refresh your screen and see if the profile appears in your list. If not please reach out to, your sales rep, or dedicated account manager for assistance.

If my test order isn't appearing in my dashboard what should I do?

Please first try going through the steps again and verifying you clicked on the test link (ideally in an incognito or private browser). There may also be a few minute delay in our report updating. So please also wait 5 minutes should you not see the conversion come through. Should neither of those solutions work, please reach out to or click the question mark button in the top right of our platform and submit a ticket for us to review.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.