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Pulling & Editing Templated Statistics Reports

Our Statistics area provides you a custom report builder to create reports along with the ability to save those reports for easy access later (Conversion Reports are also available; learn more here). Save things such as a report by month looking at key KPIs of your Offer.

Pulling a Templated Performance Report

Performance Reports are available as pre-configured templated reports, and as custom reports. Check out the below video to see how to run commonly used, pre-configured Statistics Reports.

Available Pre-Configured Reports include:

  • Publisher Performance Reports

  • Product Performance Reports

  • Landing Page Performance Reports

Customizing and Saving a Report

Reports can be customized to include any available columns (see here for a glossary of all columns available to advertisers), filters, and focused on any desired timeframe.

Starting from a pre-configured report, you can also customize the report--adjusting columns, filters, and date range--and saving it, so you can easily pull the same report later.

Check out the below video to see how to customize and save a report, starting from a pre-configured report!

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