WordPress | WooCommerce Integration
Katalys requires Advertisers to include our tracking pixel on Landing Pages (for fraud detection and user verification) and on Thank You pages (for capturing conversions). Katalys has developed an integration with WordPress’s (or WooCommerce’s) system that solves both of these with a One-Click-Install application!
You can install the app in just a few steps!
Login to your WordPress Site Admin Portal
Navigate to the Plugins Section and click ‘Add New’Search for & Install Plugin
From the WordPress Admin Plugins section, search for the ‘RevOffers Advertiser Integration’ plugin and click ‘Install Now' then ‘Activate’. After installing the plugin and clearing your WordPress caches, the Katalys (formerly “RevOffers”) plugin will perform the setup process automatically.To customize the plugin's operation, you will find new configuration options.
From the WordPress Admin Plugins section, search for the ‘RevOffers Advertiser Integration’ plugin and click ‘Settings’.
Your WordPress Admin Portal Login may be found by navigating to the below URL:
where ‘www.store.com’ is replaced with the Domain of your WordPress WebsiteOption: Site ID Identifies your website to the RevOffers system. This value should default to your primary website's bare domain ("example.com" instead of "www.example.com"). Replace this, only under the direction from a Katalys representative, to the Tracking ID found on your Katalys Marketing Platform Integrations Page:
Option: Use Cron Tells the plugin to push tracking information via the cron background task mechanism within WordPress. This is a more performant method of integrating that ensures no network delays cause issues with front-end response times.
Verifying Installation
The plugin adds a snippet of JavaScript to your web pages. This snippet enables Katalys to
attribute orders to its affiliates.
To verify the plugin has been installed and the appropriate WordPress caches have been cleared,
look at the source code of any public page -- we suggest simply starting with the homepage. The
process to view a page's source is slightly different depending on which browser you're using, but
most offer an option of "View Page Source" when right-clicking on the page.
Within the source of the page, you should see a JavaScript snippet as indicated below:
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://db.revoffers.com/_track.min.js" async></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://db.revoffers.com/_track.js" async></script>
The app receives “full permissions” as per the WordPress Marketplace procedures and guidelines. The scope utilized by Katalys is below:
Adds the Katalys tracking JavaScript to your website
Sends Order Status updates to Katalys so we can trigger your custom business rules
Your customers are your customers! Collected data is only used to attribute that growth where appropriate in accordance with our Privacy Policy. Katalys partners with brands to create strong relationships to help you drive performance -- our focus is your success!
The Katalys plugin registers listeners using WordPress hooks
. To avoid any impact to the user’s experience, the plugin offloads database interaction or cURL requests to a background cron-job. This keeps the plugin performant and ensures that multiple updates to orders are handled just once in a batch.
The front-end JavaScript component is added via an async
JavaScript tag. This ensures that our tracking does not block any page rendering. Additionally, all remote requests within our tag occur on a background thread using the sendBeacon()
API, which prevents the network and CPU requirements from interfering with any rendering threads within the browser.
Compatibility with other WordPress Plugins
In general, the Katalys app is a read-only application. There are no known compatibility issues or concerns with any other applications.
An exception here is the “Thank You” page – Katalys needs to place a conversion pixel to attribute the revenue correctly. If you use an application that modifies or replaces the checkout page, then you must clone the Katalys pixel into that tool's “Conversion Pixel” configuration area.