Google Tag Manager Installation
Katalys (formerly “RevOffers”) requires Advertisers to include our tracking pixel on Landing Pages (for fraud detection and user verification) and on Thank You pages (for capturing conversions).
There are 2 parts to integrating with Katalys:
Visitor Reporting
This is a JavaScript file that will record clicks and incoming transaction IDs. It records when someone lands on your site from our network.Order Reporting
This can be accomplished by installing our WooCommerce or Shopify plugins, or via a custom JavaScript implementation on the Thank You page of a checkout flow.
Part 1: Visitor Reporting
You can install the app in just a few steps!
Minimally this must be done on pages that will potentially receive traffic from our affiliates, but it’s safer to simply launch site-wide. This script will record when visitors land on your pages from the Katalys Network.
Log into your Google Tag Manager Workspace Dashboard
Click ‘New Tag’ to add the Katalys tracking script to your page.Enter the name for the Tag
Click ‘Tag Configuration’ to select the Tag Type.Select ‘Custom HTML’ for the Tag Type
With this Tag Type, you can directly plug in the snippet for the Katalys Tracking Script.Place your tracking JavaScript snippet in the HTML content section
The URL in the snippet below may vary slightly based on your account’s needs. Please confirm your snippet is correct before implementing it.
<script src="{{YOUR-CUSTOM-URL}}" async></script>
5. Configure Tag Triggers
Click ‘Triggering’ to set the Trigger Configuration for this Tag.
6. Ensure the Script fires on all pages
Select the ‘All Pages' Trigger of type ‘Page View’.
7. Save the changes to create the Custom Tag
Click the ‘Save’ button to finalize Tag/Trigger Configuration.
8. Publish the Tracking Script to your site!
Click ‘Submit’ to add the Custom Tag to your live website.
Part 2: Order Reporting
On the Thank You page after the customer has completed an order and an Order ID is known, add additional details before the Katalys JavaScript tag.
This portion of integration must be done outside Google Tag Manager. Please refer to the Custom Integration instructions.
The scope utilized by Katalys is below:
Having the Katalys tracking JavaScript on your website
Sending Order Status updates to Katalys so we can trigger your custom business rules
Your customers are your customers! Collected data is only used to attribute that growth where appropriate in accordance with our Privacy Policy. Katalys partners with brands to create strong relationships to help you drive performance -- our focus is your success!
Compatibility with other Apps
In general, the Katalys app is a read-only application. There are no known compatibility issues or concerns with any other applications.
An exception here is the “Thank You” page – Katalys needs to place a conversion pixel to attribute the revenue correctly. If you use an application that modifies or replaces the checkout page, then you must clone the Katalys pixel into that tool's “Conversion Pixel” configuration area.