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Searching for Programs: Explore

With Katalys Marketing, you are able to efficiently explore and evaluate different programs, manage your pending and approved programs, and gain valuable insights to optimize your promotion efforts.

  1. Browse Brands: Click Explore on the left-side menu to view programs categorized by specific sections (click View All next to each section to view more Brands in this section):

    • New Brands - the recently onboarded Brands.

    • Recommended for You - brands performing well across the network and that are contextually relevant to you as a partner.

    • Top Performing Brands - top-performing brands across the network.

    • Popular Brands - brands on the network that partners are promoting at a higher volume.

  1. Access Specific Brand Information: Click the brand tile to review key metrics and details:

    • Earnings per click (EPC), average conversion rate, and payout details.

    • List of verticals the brand operates in.

    • Other provided details may include:

      • Channels

      • Operations Systems

      • Conversion Type

      • Media placement

    • You can create tracking link for this program or use ready-made links.


NOTE: You can also use the search function to locate a brand quickly by entering the brand’s name in the search bar.

Check out the video demo:

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