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Setting up Traffic Sources

Adding a Traffic Source

As a part of the standard onboarding process, the Katalys Marketing Platform will direct you to add your first Traffic Source to your Profile, though you are always able to add more in the Traffic Sources section later.


Adding first Traffic Source is a part of the standard onboarding process


Traffic Sources can also be found in the main navigation panel.

Setting up the Traffic Source, you’ll need to define:

  • Traffic Source Name (mandatory)

  • Traffic Source URL (mandatory)

  • Traffic Types (Channels) - one or multiple from the list provided:

    • e.g., Content, Paid Search, Loyalty, Social, etc.

  • Traffic Source Status (mandatory):

    • Active (visible on the platform, created links are active)

    • Paused (not visible on the platform, links created will no longer work)

  • Marketplace Visibility (mandatory):

    • Public (visible to Advertisers)

    • Private (active, but invisible for advertisers)


After the Traffic Source is saved, it is displayed in the Traffic sources list.


Editing a Traffic Source

Once added, the Traffic Source information can be updated any time in the Traffic Sources list, using image-20240606-101634.png button next to the corresponding Traffic Source:


Press Save to save, or Discard to cancel the changes.

Blocked Traffic Sources

There is a third Traffic Source status - Blocked.
This status is invisible on the platform and can be set by Katalys employee only (e.g., in case Traffic source violates the platform rules).
When Traffic Source is set to Blocked, the Traffic Source is no longer visible on the platform, all the associated tracking links are immediately deactivated.

Both the Partner and collaborating Advertisers, using this Traffic Source in their programs will be notified about the blocking.

Partner will also see the blocked Traffic Sources in the Traffic Sources section:


Blocked Traffic Source can be unblocked by Katalys employee only.

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