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Appendix: How Conversion Status Works

When Katalys processes a conversion, a Conversion Status is assigned to each line item. The most common statuses are as follows:

  • Unknown or Skipped: The order was processed normally, but was not attributable to the Katalys Network. Katalys recorded that the order happened, but will not bill for it.

  • Pending: Katalys has not received enough information to process the order.

  • Ignored: The order was processed, but this order was purposefully excluded from being attributed to Katalys Network due to some order attribute. This is frequently because the advertiser has marked the conversion as pending or awaiting payment, or because the order’s cart value was too low.

  • Not Billable: A rule configured on the Program by the advertiser prevented this conversion from being billable. Rules that may affect this might be customer lifecycle rules or coupons used on the order.

  • Approved: The order was driven by an Affiliate on Katalys Network and is billable.

  • Rejected: The order was previously Approved, but was subsequently rejected by the advertiser.

These additional statuses may appear in our system.

  • Duplicate: Katalys received duplicate order information from the Advertiser’s system and cleaned up the issue. The Katalys system has merged this order with another order so that a single line-item per order exists.

  • Error: An error occurred while processing the order.

Fulfillment Status

Some advertisers use customer fulfillment status to influence when an order can become billable. This information is only usable if the brand passes this data.

  1. Pending fulfillment status sets conversion status to Ignored status.

  2. Paid and Shipped fulfillment statuses set conversion status to “Approved” (if the conversion was driven by Katalys).

  3. Canceled and Refunded fulfillment statuses set Conversion Status to “Rejected” only if the order is canceled or refunded within 3 days of the order being placed. If the fulfillment status goes to this status after 3+ days, no action is taken.

Reporting On Status

When creating a statistics report, you have many columns to choose from. The Conversion columns are broken out by Conversion Status, making it easy to see how many conversions fit into each. The metrics are:

  • Conv: Approved: Count of conversions where the status is Approved.

  • Conv: Excluded: Count of conversions where the status is Ignored or Not Billable.

  • Conv: Rejected: Count of conversions where the status is Rejected.

  • Total Orders: Count of all orders, regardless of status. Includes Unknown.

These metrics show breakdowns by meaningful statuses. In general, Total Orders should equal Conv: Approved plus Conv: Excluded plus Conv: Rejected plus a count of total pending, error, or duplicate, or skipped rows.

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