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Katalys Advertiser Integration - WordPress

This plugin provides a no-hassle integration for advertisers integrating with the Katalys Performance Affiliate Network.

Katalys is a performance-based advertising network for transformational health products and brands. Our publishers deliver high-converting in-market traffic to an exclusive list of curated products on the market. Want more eCommerce customers for your brand? Partner with Katalys to craft an enticing performance offer; we’ll do the rest.


The menu by side clicks in Katalys Shops Settings. In the tab of the top, click on the Network Settings:

  • Katalys Site ID: This is how your website is identified on the Katalys network. The plugin's default will use your website's domain (with any prefix like "www." removed). Do not change this setting unless directed by a Katalys representative!

  • Use Cron System: This flag controls whether the plugin uses a stateful background table to track tasks. Using the cron system is suggested as it can improve your website's performance.

Verifying Installation

The plugin adds a snippet of JavaScript to your web pages. This snippet enables Katalys to attribute orders to its affiliates.

To verify the plugin has been installed, look at the source code of any public page -- we suggest simply starting with the homepage. The process to view a page's source is slightly different depending on which browser you're using, but most offer an option of "View Page Source" when right-clicking on the page.

Within the source of the page, you should see a JavaScript snippet as indicated in this screenshot.


JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.