Example: generating a PASETO token
Follow this guide step by step to make sure that your tokens are correctly generated.
As specified in the Katalys ⇠ Merchant page, the Katalys API will accept (and in some cases, expect you to generate) v2.local
For this example we will assume the following payload, key ID, and shared secret:
Shared secret
(The letter
repeated 32 times.)Footer
Now we have everything we need to generate a token using the PASETO library of our choice. Passing all of the above should yield a valid token:
version = 'v2'
purpose = 'local'
payload = '{"exp":"2023-11-03T14:50:30Z","iat":"2023-11-03T14:50:30Z"}'
shared_secret = 'kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk'
footer = '{"kid":"0a315660-4bb7-4228-9408-f4300733066f"}'
generate_paseto_token(version, purpose, payload, shared_secret, footer)
// token: 'v2.local.R17UZaSjwDIOVGvfPfpZl3ff5mUOViu0we2uutl9VKSxyxCz_XlECXiolPl3Yh1A-lcfNQAYTb4-BiGQXCMP5SNa5yUrTyiy_kwFrLaV0pi2Q-6LZwPJdgX_mrnBS2OrOkdZ.IntcImtpZFwiOlwiMGEzMTU2NjAtNGJiNy00MjI4LTk0MDgtZjQzMDA3MzMwNjZmXCJ9Ig'
Use the above values to verify token generation. Using the exact inputs should yield the same token.
For maintainers: When updating the tokens in this guide consult this code snippet.